名稱 資訊影音電氣商品檢測技術一致性研討會
日期 2008-01-22
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開會時間:97 年 1 月 22 日 開會地點:電氣檢驗科技大樓簡報室 主 持 人:謝副組長翰璋 出席人員:詳如簽名單 記錄聯絡人及電話:鄭承瑋(02-86488058 分機 613)
宣告事項: CNS 標準內有關交流電源可接受符號「」或常用文字「a.c.」 、 「AC」等表示方式。

1、因 96 年有許多日系的電視製造廠商,表明 97 年將開始規劃陸續引進 HDTV(720 P 或 1080 i 高畫質 TV)機型,請問未來檢測 HDTV,是否仍引用 95/2/22 一致性技術會議記錄所規定的 信號格式及電台測點?

決議:目前檢測 HDTV 仍引用現有規定的電台頻道、編碼及調變模式,測試信號以 HDTV 訊號,
未來若需檢討變更時再舉行會議討論。 2、另關 "地面數位接收機基本技術規範"所要求 HDTV 之解碼視訊格式為 MPEG4 AVC HP@L4, 但業界所採行的規格說法為 H.264,因為有關係到業界針對台灣地區 HDTV 產品規格開發的定 位,請問是否要在此技術一致性會議上補述宣告 MPEG4 AVC HP@L4 等同 H.264 視訊格式?

決議:查國內 HDTV 頻道尚未開播,關於影音視訊格式標準將待主管機關公佈後檢討訂相

LCD Monitor 申請 CNS 14408,針對 D/A Inverter 除了 Touch Current 外,若廠商無法提出該線路、亦 或無法符合 Touch Current 之要求,是否有其他替代測試可評估之? 現行 UL 可接受以機構性測試(包含針對外殼、面板等任何部位撞擊)取代之,以下為 UL 針對此部 份之說明文件。
STANDARD: Hazardous Live: The definition of the Hazardous Live is stated in Clause 9.1.1. 1, there are three way (voltage, current and energy) to determine if the circuit in question is considered hazardous live.

a. Through measured the open voltage of the circuit terminals. b. If exceed the values in item a, it could be measured the touch current value and also determine/measure the stored
energy through item c or d. Mechanical Strength: In Clause 12, the way we check if the product provided with sufficient mechanical strength to prevent hazardous live 第 1 頁/共 5 頁

parts become accessible (or reduce the insulation in between) is through the tests of the following: o o o o o o o o Clause 12.1.1 Bump Test: This test required if the product with a mass exceeding 7 kg. Clause 12.1.2 Vibration Test: Three kinds of constructions required this test: Transportable Apparatus intended to be used for audio amplification of musical instruments. Portable Apparatus. Apparatus having a metal enclosure. Clause 12.1.3 Impact Test: This test required for those areas of the enclosure that protect Hazardous Live parts. Clause 12.1.4 Drop Test: This test required for Portable Apparatus having a mass of 7 kg or less. Clause 12.1.5 Stress Relief Test: This test required for enclosures of moulded or formed thermoplastic materials. Impact Test: o o o o In Clause 12.1.3: There are three pass/fail criteria for this test: Hazardous Live parts shall not have become accessible. Insulating barriers shall not have been damaged. Dielectric Strength Test of Clause 10.3. CONSTRUCTION: For LCD TV/Monitor D/A Inverter: Usually consist of the following characters: o o o o o o High output voltage: The open circuit voltage measured at the output terminals usually around 1000-2000 V rms. Low output current: The normally operating current usually below 10mA. Stored Energy: The calculated stored energy on the output terminal usually below 0.1uC (which is much lower than the limit of 45uC). Location: D/A inverter usually be secured behind the LCD panel. LCD Panel: Provided with glass or laminated glass. Usually not control the Mfr/Type of LCD Panel in report description. EVALUATION: Stage 1: To determine if the D/A inverter employing Hazardous Live parts, we check the following: o o o o Check if the open circuit voltage of D/A inverter's output terminal exceeding item a of Clause If exceeding, go through item b to item d of Clause If comply with Clause, this circuit under evaluation is considered not a Hazardous Live part and could be accessible. (Case Closed.) If not comply, this circuit is considered a Hazardous Live part. According to Clause 12, tests should be considered. (Go to Stage 2.)

Stage 2: Clause 12 clearly mentioned the specified construction should be considered specified test accordingly. In order to keep it simple, we focus on Impact test only and has following consideration: 1. The areas of LCD Panel and rear enclosure covering the D/A inverter should be conducted the Impact Test.

2. Check if the test results comply with standard requirements. 3. Control the Mfr/Type of LCD Panel and rear enclosure material/construction in report description. (Case Closed)
Through the above, I provided the responses to some questions might from clients as belows: Question: Is the touch current test necessary to be conducted on the D/A inverter output? Ans: No, it is not, if we assume that it is a hazardous live part. Question: Is the Impact test required on LCD Panel due to D/A inverter employing? Ans: No, it is not, as long as the D/A inverter is considered/evaluated as a non-hazardous live part.

決議:本案待各實驗室提供 Touch Current 替代評估方式等相關資料,並於彙集完整後再行研議。

第 2 頁/共 5 頁

1、依 BSMI 三組於 2007-12-28 公文,開放影音及家電之指定實驗室。因影音產品標准同為 CNS14408,目前各指定實驗室皆具有此工程能力。建議 BSMI 同意目前之指定實驗室,即時 進行如CD播放器,喇叭…等等之影音相關檢驗商品之安規試驗。

非屬本組業務範疇。 2、影音產品如 DVD 播放器,使用一個外接傳統變壓器式之電源供應器( Linear adopter);此電源供 應器可否以 CNS14408 標准進行隨產品檢測?

決議:同意 Linear adopter 以 CNS14408 標準進行隨產品檢測,惟此電源供應器不得於市場上

第 3 頁/共 5 頁

開會時間:97 年 1 月 22 日 開會地點:電氣科技檢驗大樓簡報室 主持人:謝副組長翰璋 出席人員:詳如簽名單 記錄聯絡人及電話:陳啟銘(02-86488058 分機 253)
宣告事項: (基隆分局) 試驗室申請報告預審原則說明: (1)欲申請審查之案件數量超過 10 件以上(安規、電磁相容各以 1 件計算) ,可逕請安排審查人 員至該試驗室審核或依其安排之日程送至報告審查單位審核;未達 10 件則依其安排之日程 送至報告審查單位審核。 (2)總局認可指定試驗室可依其需求,每星期安排一次預審作業日程。試驗室應於安排審查之 前一日以 email 或傳真方式,將須申請審查之案件一覽表會知審查單位。 (3)試驗室在安排 EMI 或安規預審期間均要備齊資料(如說明書、電路圖、重要零組件表及認 證規格書、干擾源抑制元件表、產品照片及測試報告…等) ,並安排實際了解案件之相關人 員說明測試過程,以利預審作業順利進行。 (4)預審期間若發現問題須補件,請將補件資料直接檢附於預審單之後,並加以說明,原預審 報資料不可抽換,包含預審時需修正之資料。 (5)預審後申請送件之資料須完整(含需補件資料)才可送件,避免再有缺件發生,以免延誤 後續發證時間。 (6)已預審案件,送件時請於檢附文件夾之封面註明「預審案件」 、 「預審人員」 。 討論議題及決議 一、台南分局提案: 議題 1.如下圖,為電扇控制線路圖,在執行異常試驗 C2 短路,電流保險絲未斷,卻引發碳膜電阻 R2(47ohm,2W)燒毀,是否妥當? 分析: (1)就法規面:於 19.13 節,電器在試驗過程中,不得產生火苗(emit lame)…………不可散發 過量之有毒或可燃氣體,………。 另【93.10.6 經標六組電字第 0936006195-0 號】決議: 『電器在試驗過程有讓 人不悅之可視氣體或可嗅氣味,在報告提出前,無法舉證非有毒可燃氣體之散 發情形下,判不符合』 。 (2)就學理面:電阻 R2 非刻意脆弱零件,在電路發生異常燒毀,應非在電路原始設計預期控 制內,在無法確定消費者使用之環境,亦無法保證電阻延燒狀況;而在執行 C2 短路時,為此電路異常試驗中(TVR、C1 除外),異常電流最大狀態,而電 流保險絲無法啟動保護,則其它元件異常時,保險絲更無法熔斷!如此,電 路異常幾乎依賴元件燒燬來切斷電源方式,則讓電器使用上存在不可預知風 險!
第 4 頁/共 5 頁

決議:驗證單位對執行產品試驗單位所產出之試驗報告有疑慮時,應要求試驗單位提供樣品執 行試驗比對確認。

第 5 頁/共 5 頁
